Trompo is a design and animation studio based in Buenos Aires. Directed by graphic designer
Nicolás Dardano, a dinamic team of visual artists works on TV, advertising, films, and experimental formats, combining different expressive techniques according to each pojects needs.
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We’re happy to produce several videos on different art projects for
Leandro Erlich. The video for Le Trottoir is part of the instalation presented on the
Chanel Mobile Art, and it is travelling around the world.1
.Project: Pakapaka. Client: Canal Encuentro/El perro en la Luna. 2007.
Concept, design, 3d modeling and animation of both tv pack and idents.
.Project: Plaza. Client: Madres de Plaza de Mayo. 2007.
Concept, design, 3d modeling and animation of tv spot.
.Project: Ramona. Client: Presidencia de la Nacion/INCAA/PFDMJA. 2006.
Concept, animation and design of cinema spot. Based on Antonio Berni’s masterpieces.
.Project: Estilos. Client: El gourmet/Grupo Q.2007.
Concept, design and animation of graphic pack for tv show.
.Project: Sorozat. Client: Superestudio. 2007.
Animation of ids. Art direction and design by
.Project: Martucci. Client: Rexona/Altheim/Grupo Q. 2007.
Design and animation of 5 tv spots, 1 minute duration each.
.Project: El perro en la Luna. Client: El perro en la Luna.2005.
Design and animation of graphic identity.
.Project: Fx radio. Client: Fx. 2005.
Design and animation of tv pack. By Trompo +
.Project: Tic-Tac. Client: Doma. 2005.
Design and animation of tv promo. By Trompo +
.Project: Multitalent. Client: Multitalent. 2005.
Design and animation for dvd promo. By Trompo +
.Project: Actual. Client: Canal A/Grupo Q. 2006.
Design and animation for tv pack.
.Project: Compromiso. Client: Coca-cola fundation. 2005.
Design and animation for tv promo. By Trompo +